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Healthy Eating is Great BUT you need the Excercise

Regular exercise and the consumption of a healthy diet can lead to a host of benefits, including increased energy, happiness, health and even a long life. Exercise and diet are pivotal to determining a person’s overall health, and making them both part of your lifestyle can make a dramatic difference in how you look and feel.

Health Benefits

A healthy diet should consist of small amount of fruits, loads of vegetables, low GI Carbohydrates and lean meats. On top of eating well, you must also minimize your consumption of cholesterol, sodium, sugar and saturated fat. In conjunction with regular exercise, a healthy diet can reduce your risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and some cancers.

As we age are lean body muscle mass slowly depletes and that is the on set of aging, Excercise especially Gh positive excercise counter acts this.


If you’re overweight, eating healthfully and exercising regularly can help you lose weight safely and keep it off. If you don’t have a weight problem, physical activity and a healthy diet can help you maintain your current weight and reduce your risk of gaining weight as you age. Healthy foods are generally lower in calories and higher in nutrients than other foods, and regular physical activity burns off extra calories to keep a healthy physique.

Mood/ Energy

A combination of Health Eating and Exercise stimulates brain chemicals that help produce feelings of happiness, contentment and relaxation, so you’ll feel better if you workout on a regular basis. Physical activity can also boost your physical appearance as you burn fat and build muscle, which is a significant factor in boosting self-confidence and inspiring a satisfied life. Also a combination of working out and eating healthy foods can boost your energy level and help you feel more alert and aware, both mentally and physically. Healthy foods give your body the nutrients and vitamins it needs to function at its best.

Enjoy your Quest to Fitness

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